Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Landscape river

This is an older painting i have done...i used acrylic for it and i think it still looks good


i did this one a scratch board...it is not my favorite medium and this picture has seen better days


i did this picture in pencil...its not my best work but it still looks ok


We were told to divide our picture into sections and use the sections of the color wheel for each. i used oil pastel for this one


i painted this with acrylic. we had to simplify shapes and painted it what ever colors we wanted...i think the original picture was of mountains in the background and the brown thing was a rock

My Mask

i made this mask out of clay, painted it, and glued feathers to the back of it

Noahs Ark

For Christmas i got the Noahs Ark model...its all glued together but i cant find my model paints